Sunday, March 4, 2012

AOW 24#- KIA Commercial

KIA Commercial-

This commercial was of a guy dreaming. He dreams of himself driving a KIA car. While he is driving it, first he sees this beautiful model. Then, he drives past Motley Crue playing a show. The commercial then shows hundreds of pretty girls in bathing suits screaming for him.

The context of this piece is during the 2012 Super Bowl so there is an extremely large audience.

The purpose of this commercial is to advertise the KIA car as being a manly car, and one that will attract good-looking girls.

The audience of this article is anyone viewing the Super Bowl, particularly appealing to men since they make up the majority of the Super Bowl-viewing audience.

Rhetorical Devices:

  • Comedy- This commercial is really comical. It makes the viewer laugh because it plays on all the stereotypical things that men like: good-looking girls with little clothes on, rock and roll, cars, etc. 
  • Juxtaposition- The commercial starts with a calm, slow song to set the mood of the man sleeping. Once he is in the dream, the mood greatly changes to being loud and energetic. There is loud rock and roll music, and even the sound of the car's engine is emphasized.
This commercial accomplished its purpose because it is appealing to the audience so it sticks in their mind. It could do a better job emphasizing the features of the car itself, but it does a good job showing the general point that the car is manly.

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